The Flag Of The Planet Mars (3 Photos)

The flag of Mars is a tricolour used to represent the planet Mars, its exploration, and its eventual transformation into a more Earth-like world

The design of the flag was originally conceived by NASA planetary scientist Pascal Lee during the 1998 Haughton-Mars Project arctic expedition to Devon Island, Canada.  Kim Stanley Robinson's popular science-fiction trilogy Red Mars, Green Mars, and Blue Mars also provided inspiration for the flag. In the Pantone Color Matching System (PCMS), the red is the "Red Clay" (18-1454), the green is the "Mint Green" (17-6333), and the blue is the "Imperial Blue" (19-4245).

There are also 2 more flags from novels. 
One interpretation of the Flag of the Federal Republic of Mars, as described in the book Moving Mars

From Stranger in a Strange Land: "The field in white and the sigil of Marsin red"

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